
Showing posts from September, 2017


Well, we managed to spend a week in Serbia without writing a single word on this blog. Whoops.  This will be a catch-up post for the entire week, and then we should be able to go back to more frequent updates on our travels :). On our last day before heading to Belgrade we ate lunch and drank a chai latte at Erica’s favorite cafĂ© near her house, Dose. Then we took a metro over to Sacre Coeur and got a great view over the city. While we were standing there eating roasted chestnuts and admiring the view, a young man set up a drum kit made entirely from household objects. A large bucket formed his kick drum, and he had different sized pots for other drums.  He was quite good, and had many of us in the crowd of tourists nodding heads or tapping toes.  There was also a cute little boy who was full on dancing to the beat. After Sacre Coeur, we wandered through the streets past a large outdoor art market, the Moulin Rouge, and many sex shops. The next day, it was on

Markets and a little more Paris

On our last day in Annecy we decided to go to the large street market that is open every Sunday.  It was extremely crowded; the streets were full stands selling vegetables, cheeses, bread, raclette and other sandwiches, prepared foods, pastries, and more. Monisha was in heaven. While we walked through the market we ate a fig that was perfectly ripe and delicious, (part of) a pear that was not really ripe and not at all delicious, a cold Asian shrimp and meat pocket that was fine but…cold, and a sausage served with caramelized onions that was yummy and very much reminded Monisha of the sausage and caramelized onions dish her dad makes. They we bought a baguette, fresh goat cheese, another small cheese round, and two tomatoes that formed our lunch by the lake :).  Walking through the market was fun but difficult to navigate. We didn’t realize that there were this many people in all of Annecy! We also saw this ENORMOUS dog at the market! We miss Rosebud. Later we ha