Amalfi Coast Day 1: The Path of the Gods

Last night we met an English couple in the town square near a bulletin board describing the local hiking trails. They told us about a famous trail near here called "The Path of the Gods." With a name like that, we couldn't resist :) .

The hike actually starts one town over from us in Bomerano. We got up a bit too late, and missed the morning bus, so we decided to walk. It was about 40 minutes, but at this point we've become quite accustomed to long walks. Also, we were about to go on a hike, so what's 40 minutes more really? The road we were walking on was pretty scary, and we got a few weird looks from drivers zooming by us, but we made it safely to the trailhead.

And what a trailhead it is. The Path of the Gods runs from Bomerano down to a town called Positano that lies on the water far (630m) below. This means that the hike begins with an absolutely incredible view.

As we continued down the path we were treated to a constant stream of beautiful sights. The trail winds around the sheer cliffs of the Amalfi Coast, and in many places has a drop of at least 300m on one side.

At one point, we came across a small home that lies on the trail. Nearby, a very cute, very fuzzy kitten came out to greet us. We spent almost half an hour playing with it :).

Post-kitty we continued along the trail and made it to the town of Nocelle, which lies on the Path of the Gods. We hadn't seen many people along the trail, but here there were quite a few resting and having a snack or a light lunch.

See how many afternoon snackers you can spot!

After Nocelle, the trail section of The Path of the Gods ends and we had to walk a bit more on the side of a winding road. Along the way we came across a sweet rock face of stalactites. The road led us to a set of stairs. A serious set of stairs. More than 1000 stairs lead down to the town of Positano, our final destination.

In Positano, we wandered through the town before finding a place for lunch outside the main downtown area. Positano is quite pretty, filled with colored houses and winding roads. Sadly, it's also quite touristic and most of it feels fake and unnecessarily expensive. Our favorite part of the town was looking down on it from above. Once we were in the streets, the magic was kind of lost.

From Positano we bussed back to San Lazzaro, again stopping in Amalfi. After two quick showers, we got dinner at one of the few restaurants in town. We got a roasted eggplant appetizer because it sounded delicious and Monisha can't get enough of really good eggplant. Sadly, it was a was fine, but definitely nothing special. Eggplant remains a high variance dish to order..

Fortunately, the pizza and pasta were delicious, especially after our long day of hiking.



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