
Note: We really want to continue writing these blog posts! So, in order to keep it enjoyable, we're gonna try and write a bit more concisely about each day. So far these posts have taken us about 1.5 hours a pop, which leaves us both a bit cranky and tired... So quick and fun posts from now on!

We camped last night and woke up in the most beautiful place we've been so far (in Nolan's opinion), definitely the most incredible place we've slept.

The car rides so far have honestly been a highlight unto themselves, perhaps even equaling the sights themselves! This is largely due to a combination of the Icelandic scenery, and the gripping thriller we've been listening to: Dark Matter. The book has stimulated many conversations about multi-verses.

This morning we decided to take a two hour detour to see... you guessed it if you read the title... PUFFINS!!! We realized as we arrived at the end of our one hour trip on a winding dirt road that we didn't even know if it was puffin season.  To our delight, we got out of our car, walked down to the harbor and saw several rapidly flapping, penguin-like small birds with funny noses overhead! The little harbor had a nice viewing platform where we watched hundreds of them flying, swimming, and clumsily plopping into the water. Several flew by with fish in their mouths, and we even saw a couple deliver food back into their nesting holes where baby puffins (called pufflings!) sat unseen.

Most of the rest of the day was spent in the van until we arrived at Höfn where we visited an Icelandic swimming pool. We both really enjoyed taking a warm shower and relaxing in the various temperatured hot tubs, and going down two big water slides! On the way to Höfn we ran into several groups of suicidal sheep (we'd been warned, but now we truly understood).

After the pool, we had dinner. We just finished a delicious meal at Z Bistro of this awesome burger with fried and pasta with the local fish delicacy, Langoustine (aka Norway lobster).

Now it's time for bed! Good night :)


  1. This is just so cool - Brian and I look forward to your posts each day. I'm glad you're eating some delicious, cooked food and not just P&J sandwiches and such.

    1. Aw :)
      We actually really enjoy our PB&J sandwiches as well as our meat and cheese sandwiches (which also have tomato, cucumber, remoulade, and sometimes jam! They bring us a lot of satisfaction and are quite delicious. That said, we have enjoyed several hot meals at restaurants and cafes and are glad we did as well. Make sure you read our post about our tomato soup lunch!


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