Short, Sweet, and Sleep Deprived in Reykjavík
One thing that we’ve discovered about Iceland is that it smells
amazing. Everywhere. Every street in the city smelled like bakery, delicious
restaurant food, flowers, or some other exotic sweet smelling goodness.
We didn’t do much in Reykjavík. But we did do the most important
thing: eat a hot dog from Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur (City’s Best Hot Dog). Thank you
Haraldur for the inside scoop!
And we also went to the local grocery chain, Bonus, to get
food for the rest of our week here. As you probably know, Iceland is quite
costly. So we brought breakfast and snacks from home, and bought ingredients
for lunches of pb & j and dinner of meat and cheese sandwiches. Plus
dessert of orange chocolate. The camper van company also didn’t save a stove
for us…so we’re having all cold meals :)
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